Rabu, 26 Disember 2012
Assalamualaikum Semua ..
Mesti rakan2 knalkan siapa REMMYHAZZA
Syarat-syarat untuk menyertai segmen ni tak susah mana pun. Mudah je. Korang click banner kat atas tu untuk pergi ke blog dia.
Isnin, 24 Disember 2012
Povy Teng
Christmas is early this year! I just received one of the best gifts
before kicking year 2013 off and also as my advanced birthday gift for
my 21st next year. I’m honored to be Nuffnang’s featured Blogger for
December. Million thanks to Nuffnang for letting me be a part of them. I
am so lucky and I am still wondering what have I done to deserve all
these in my life? So if 2012 really ends soon, then I will be the last
luckiest featured blogger by then!?. Hehe…
Hence, Povy is given on my early teen. I’m twenty this year currently studying Interior Design. I prefer drawing over studying, thats why. ;) I’m petite, people usually think that i look younger than my actual age. Haha. I have a big family with three sisters and a brother which is why I am good at sharing and i enjoy chit chatting/talking too.
My best friends and I were all starting our own blogs back then and since we thought that we were cool and superior, we needed a cool chain name. As there were four of us, we all picked one of these, namely On Everyone’s Lips, On Everyone’s Mind, On Everyone’s Ear and On Everyone’s Eyes. We love this chain name and they certainly represent all of us as well as our blog.
I started to blog when I was 15 back in Penang. I enjoyed ranting about silly things, sharing thoughts and jotting little moments down. Like how I used to skip class (oops!), the color of the rubber that I changed when I was wearing my braces, the first ferry ride I took and many other experiences. I never thought that I would have the passion and patience to make it through the years but yes I did it! *pats own shoulder*
What do i blog about?
I blog about things that interest me, from daily life, events, fashions, food reviews, movie reviews, dramas, music, vacations, gadgets and etc. My family, my boyfriend, my dearest girl friends, Wingeez will be the familiar faces in my blog besides for event post. I love blogging about travelling post too. I wouldn’t say that I am a hardcore traveller, but i will try my best to update all the travel post because in all truthfulness, I secretly love reading travel post. Here are some of my travel posts in recent years:
How do I get connected with the entire blogosphere?
I started joining Nuffnang earlier this year. Thanks to Nuffnang, it has opened up a lot of opportunities for me. I gained a lot from blogging by attending various cool events, meeting friendly bloggers. Slowly, I become more confident when it comes to talking to more people and I envision a direction for my blog (apart from the normal rantings).
My life now serves a purpose which is to share not only my stories, but also events, fashion items, useful products, cool gadgets that I never thought I would have the chance to use/see/touch AT ALL. I am especially happy when I get sponsors not for myself but my readers. I’m thinking of doing some V-log reviews on the products in future. What do you think? :) So goodies like that please come to me more often so that I can share share with my readers! Rewarding them for putting up with me, my bimbo-ness all these years! Hehehehe….
Not forgetting do check out my Secret diaries such as Fashion Diary, Hair Diary, Beauty Diary, Travel Diary, Food Diary and etc.
Till then, thank you for reading up to here and thank you Nuffnang once again! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2013. <3 p="p">
Love, Povy
Hence, Povy is given on my early teen. I’m twenty this year currently studying Interior Design. I prefer drawing over studying, thats why. ;) I’m petite, people usually think that i look younger than my actual age. Haha. I have a big family with three sisters and a brother which is why I am good at sharing and i enjoy chit chatting/talking too.
My dearest siblings, All the Teng’s
Why ‘On Everyone’s Lips’?My best friends and I were all starting our own blogs back then and since we thought that we were cool and superior, we needed a cool chain name. As there were four of us, we all picked one of these, namely On Everyone’s Lips, On Everyone’s Mind, On Everyone’s Ear and On Everyone’s Eyes. We love this chain name and they certainly represent all of us as well as our blog.
My Wingeez Darling with sharing chain name. Jane
a.k.a On Everyone’s Ear, Vivian a.k.a On Everyone’s Eyes and Sze sze, On
Everyone’s Mind
When did I start blogging?I started to blog when I was 15 back in Penang. I enjoyed ranting about silly things, sharing thoughts and jotting little moments down. Like how I used to skip class (oops!), the color of the rubber that I changed when I was wearing my braces, the first ferry ride I took and many other experiences. I never thought that I would have the passion and patience to make it through the years but yes I did it! *pats own shoulder*
What do i blog about?
I blog about things that interest me, from daily life, events, fashions, food reviews, movie reviews, dramas, music, vacations, gadgets and etc. My family, my boyfriend, my dearest girl friends, Wingeez will be the familiar faces in my blog besides for event post. I love blogging about travelling post too. I wouldn’t say that I am a hardcore traveller, but i will try my best to update all the travel post because in all truthfulness, I secretly love reading travel post. Here are some of my travel posts in recent years:
Summer in London 2010
Winter in Taipei 2010
Winter in Japan 2011
Ski in Japan 2012
Summer in Bangkok 2012
Anniversary Trip in Pangkor Laut Resort, 2012
Singapore 2012
How do I get connected with the entire blogosphere?
I started joining Nuffnang earlier this year. Thanks to Nuffnang, it has opened up a lot of opportunities for me. I gained a lot from blogging by attending various cool events, meeting friendly bloggers. Slowly, I become more confident when it comes to talking to more people and I envision a direction for my blog (apart from the normal rantings).
Viva La Diva
Asahi Blogger Get-Together Event
First time trying on Ducati Backseat Rider at Moto GP 2012
Why do you have to read my blog?My life now serves a purpose which is to share not only my stories, but also events, fashion items, useful products, cool gadgets that I never thought I would have the chance to use/see/touch AT ALL. I am especially happy when I get sponsors not for myself but my readers. I’m thinking of doing some V-log reviews on the products in future. What do you think? :) So goodies like that please come to me more often so that I can share share with my readers! Rewarding them for putting up with me, my bimbo-ness all these years! Hehehehe….
Not forgetting do check out my Secret diaries such as Fashion Diary, Hair Diary, Beauty Diary, Travel Diary, Food Diary and etc.
Sponsored Outfit for Fashion Events
Food Diary
Fashion Diary
Camera Review
Being only 20 this year, I am very grateful for all the doors that
have opened for me so far. And what’s best is that with NUFFNANG, I know
there is more to come (at least I hope). So everyone, if you have not
read about me before, please visit www.oneveryonelips. com or get in touch with my daily lifes by following my Twitter and Instagram, @povyteng. Also, please follow Oneveryonelips.com on NuffnangX mobile apps to catch my latest updates.Till then, thank you for reading up to here and thank you Nuffnang once again! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2013. <3 p="p">
Love, Povy
(6) Enam punca perut buncit
Perut buncit memang tidak menyelesakan. Ia bukan sahaja membuatkan kita berasa cepat letih apabila melakukan pergerakan walaupun sekadar berjalan, perut yang buncit juga menjejaskan penampilan seseorang lantaran bentuk tubuh kelihatan tidak seimbang. Apakah sebab perut menjadi buncit?
Pakar kesihatan Dr. Selfie C. Rijal menjelaskan ada banyak faktor yang boleh menyebabkan perut menjadi buncit. Pertama, faktor keturunan.
“Faktor keturunan yang diwarisi daripada orang tua secara umumnya sukar dielakkan,”.
Kedua ialah faktor penuaan. Dengan bertambahnya usia, penghasilan hormon dehidroepiandrosteron (DHEA) mulai berkurangan. Hasil kajian oleh Harvard Women's Health Watch mendapati wujudnya kaitan antara penurunan hormon ini dengan peningkatan pengumpulan lemak di perut.
Faktor ketiga ialah makanan dan minuman tertentu. Doktor lulusan Universiti Padjajaran itu menjelaskan gula dan alkohol terutamanya yang terkandung dalam bir, adalah musuh utama kerana ia boleh membuatkan otot menjadi kendur.
Daripada segi pemakanan, katanya alkohol amat berbahaya bagi tubuh. Ini kerana alkohol mengandungi kalori yang tinggi, sama seperti kalori dalam makanan berlemak. Selain itu, meminum alkohol akan memaksa hati bekerja lebih keras untuk menyingkirkan alkohol dan pada masa sama proses menyaring gula akan tertangguh.
“Gula itu kemudiannya terpaksa disimpan dalam tubuh sebagai lemak. Pada masa sama, alkohol juga dapat meningkatkan nafsu makan,” ujar doktor yang bertugas di Hospital Sari Asih, Tangerang, Banten itu.
Menurut Selfie, makanan segera juga boleh mengakibatkan perut menjadi buncit berikutan jumlah kalori dan lemaknya yang sangat tinggi. Tidak ketinggalan, susu. Jika yang diminum itu ialah susu berkalori tinggi, maka ia boleh menyumbang kepada kebuncitan perut. “Justeru sebaik- sebaiknya minumlah susu rendah kalori,” tegas beliau.
Penyebab keempat bagi perut buncit ialah tembakau. Ia boleh menjejaskan aktiviti penghadaman. Selfie berkata biasanya ketika merokok selepas makan, perut akan berasa kembung kerana penghadaman terganggu.
Penyebab kelima, stres. Keadaan psikologi seseorang mampu mengganggu aktiviti semula jadi tubuh termasuklah sistem penghadamannya. Stres juga boleh mencetuskan rasa kenyang dan menimbulkan masalah pada keupayaan tubuh menyimpan lemak. Akibatnya, perut kelihatan lebih mengembang. “Untuk mengatasinya, belajarlah untuk lebih relaks serta bernafas secara perlahan dan mendalam,” jelas beliau.
Dalam pada itu, mengingatkan bahawa golongan wanita yang biasanya lebih mudah dilanda stress, cenderung memiliki lemak berlebihan di perut, meski pun berat badannya normal. Keadaan ini mungkin diakibatkan oleh kesan hormon stres kortisol yang membuatkan lemak terkumpul di sekitar perut.
Penyebab keenam mempunyai kaitan dengan perubahan hormon, terutamanya ketika menopaus. Keadaan ini menyebabkan pengeluaran hormon seks estrogen berkurangan sekali gus membawa kepada pengumpulan lemak pada perut.
Tumpukan lemak yang tidak sekata boleh membuatkan orang yang bertubuh kecil, buncit perutnya. Sememangnya ia kelihatan amat tidak selesa. Keadaan ini berpunca daripada pengambilan karbohidrat secara berlebihan seperti nasi dan makanan berasaskan tepung seperti mi, bihun dan ladu, dalam kuantiti yang banyak. Akibatya, karbohidrat yang berlebihan akan disimpan dalam bentuk lemak terutamanya di perut, atau lebih tepatnya di rongga-rongga di antara organ dalam perut.
“Penumpukan lemak di perut juga menjadi petunjuk bahawa kurangnya aktiviti fizikal dan penurunan kadar metabolisme tubuh,” jelas Selfie. Jelas beliau, “Faktor utama yang membawa kepada kebuncitan perut adalah gaya hidup dan iklan yang berleluasa di pelbagai media.”
Benarkah perut akan buncit apabila seseorang terus tidur selepas makan? “Ya, benar. Perut akan menjadi buncit kerana proses penghadaman tidak dapat berfungsi dengan baik,” ujarnya. Begitu juga dengan minuman bersoda. Minuman jenis ini boleh membuatkan perut menjadi kembung dan akhirnya membuncit. “Gelembung-gelembung udara dalam minuman berkarbonat boleh mengakibatkan perut buncit,” .
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